Ever since I was a young girl, I have always loved skincare. I love trying new products and meeting the best dermatologists and aestheticians. Space NK is my absolute favourite store to visit everytime I head to London. I have to confess: I am a skincare addict. I have been blessed with good skin, however, back in 2018, my skin was going through a rough phase that I have never witnessed before. I had acne and it left scars that did not go away. I went to several dermatologists and they prescribed me with products and treatments that didn’t help at all. I remember being very self conscious about my skin and would never leave the house without makeup. One night, I was reading an article about Shani Darden who is a celebrity aesthetician based in Los Angeles. I was intrigued and decided to research more about her and that is when I decided to contact her. I remember sending her a picture of my skin and she immediately responded to me and advised me to try a new skincare regimen. I bought everything she suggested and she told me it will take time and I needed to be patient. I remember starting to see the results after 3 months and I am still using the same products she has recommended today. Shani has several products that she has released in the past couple of years and my absolute favorite is the retinol reform. If you would like to speak to Shani, she offers online consultations to anyone who is interested.
من وانا صغيرة أعشق شيء اسمه منتجات البشرة و أعترف أني مهووسة بهذا العالم. أحب أقابل أفضل المتخصصين في هذا المجال و كل ما سافرت لندن أول محل اروح له Space NK الي هو محل متخصص في منتجات البشرة و التجميل. في ٢٠١٨ بشرتي فجأة قامت تطلع فيها حبوب كانت تضايقني و رحت شفت دكاترة و استشرت خبراء و ما فادني شيء. كنت متضايقة و ما أطلع من البيت بدون ما أخفي الحبوب بالمكياج و يوم من الايام كنت أقرا مقال عن Shani Darden وحدة من أشهر الخبراء البشرة في لوس انجلوس. أذكر في لحظتها تواصلت معها و شرحت لها وضعي و رسلت لها صور لبشرتي و اقترحت علي مجموعة منتجات مناسبة لحالتي و شريتهم. أكدت علي أنه العلاج بياخد وقت ولازم أصبر بس الحمدلله بعدها ب ٣ شهور بديت أشوف النتايج. من يومها الين الحين أستخدم نفس المجموعة اللي نصحتني فيها وجدا مرتاحة عليهم. اذا ودك تستشيروتها أو تتواصلون معها دخلوا على موقعها و تقدرون تحجزون استشارة اونلاين.